Oštrica Wall

Oštrica Wall

The Oštrica Wall, locally known as Bedem Grebaštica, lies west of the town of Grebaštica, in the county of Šibenik-Knin in Croatia.

In the late 15th century the Ottomans, having already conquered Bosnia, started infrequently raiding the area from inland. The locals then constructed this wall across the narrow neck of the Oštrica peninsula. In case of attacks they would retreat on the peninsula, behind the wall, together with their livestock. To accommodate them, small houses and cattle pens were erected on the peninsula. During the 16th century, Ottoman attacks intensified.

After the last Ottoman-Venetian War, the peninsula was used to quarantine plague patients, during the 18th century. The wall was even used to protect locals from British pirate attacks, during French rule between 1809 and 1814. Afterward, it lost its defensive function.

The wall runs in a slight curve, from one coastline to the other. Only on the highest point of the neck, part of the wall protrudes. No gate remains. Access to the peninsula was probably gained by 2 bridges on either end of the wall.

The Oštrica Wall can freely be visited. A nice fortification remnant on a beautiful location.


Oštrica Wall

Oštrica Wall

The Oštrica Wall, locally known as Bedem Grebaštica, lies west of the town of Grebaštica, in the county of Šibenik-Knin in Croatia.

In the late 15th century the Ottomans, having already conquered Bosnia, started infrequently raiding the area from inland. The locals then constructed this wall across the narrow neck of the Oštrica peninsula. In case of attacks they would retreat on the peninsula, behind the wall, together with their livestock. To accommodate them, small houses and cattle pens were erected on the peninsula. During the 16th century, Ottoman attacks intensified.

After the last Ottoman-Venetian War, the peninsula was used to quarantine plague patients, during the 18th century. The wall was even used to protect locals from British pirate attacks, during French rule between 1809 and 1814. Afterward, it lost its defensive function.

The wall runs in a slight curve, from one coastline to the other. Only on the highest point of the neck, part of the wall protrudes. No gate remains. Access to the peninsula was probably gained by 2 bridges on either end of the wall.

The Oštrica Wall can freely be visited. A nice fortification remnant on a beautiful location.
