La Distillerie Castle
La Distillerie Castle, locally known as Château de la Distillerie, lies in the rural village of Bovesse, in the province of Namur in the Wallonia region in Belgium.
The castle would have belonged to the d'Oultremont family of the lands of Vaux, from 1450 till 1725. The remains we see today are dating back to the 16th century. I could not find any more historical info; so if anyone has more, please mail me.
I first visited the castle in 2004. Then it was just a ruin, as you can see in the second set of pictures below. The ruins comprised 3 separate buildings; a gatehouse which looked to be of 16th century origin, a later mansion and another unidentified building.
Some years ago the castle was up for sale for €410,000. Apparently it was sold because later I saw some pictures on the internet which showed that the entire site had changed; all the undergrowth and weeds were removed and the buildings were partially restored. So, I visited it again in 2019 and, as you can see in the second set of pictures below, the three buildings have now been completely restored and turned into separate private residences in a little park. It looks great.