
Mahuet Tower

Tour de Mahuet

Mahuet Tower, locally known as Tour Mahuet, lies in the village of Labry in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in France.

Mahuet Tower was undoubtedly built as early as the 13th century for the Knights of Labry on the highest point in the village. In the 15th or 16th century, the tower was extensively altered, even rebuilt. Originally, it had a defensive purpose. Improvements carried out in the 2nd half of the 17th century gave it a more residential purpose by creating a spiral staircase, removal of the battlements and adding new and larger windows.

The tower was owned by the Mahuet family until the 18th century and offered protection to the villagers in times of danger. It was also the venue for the annual assemblies, called "plaids", of all the heads of families of the village.

At present Mahuet Tower can freely be visited, however only externally. I don't know if it is ever open for visits. A plain tower.



Mahuet Tower

Tour de Mahuet

Mahuet Tower, locally known as Tour Mahuet, lies in the village of Labry in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in France.

Mahuet Tower was undoubtedly built as early as the 13th century for the Knights of Labry on the highest point in the village. In the 15th or 16th century, the tower was extensively altered, even rebuilt. Originally, it had a defensive purpose. Improvements carried out in the 2nd half of the 17th century gave it a more residential purpose by creating a spiral staircase, removal of the battlements and adding new and larger windows.

The tower was owned by the Mahuet family until the 18th century and offered protection to the villagers in times of danger. It was also the venue for the annual assemblies, called "plaids", of all the heads of families of the village.

At present Mahuet Tower can freely be visited, however only externally. I don't know if it is ever open for visits. A plain tower.
