Montuy Tower
Montuy Tower, locally known as Donjon de Montuy, is situated in the village of Comblain-au-Pont, in the province of Liège in the Wallonia region in Belgium.
Not much is known about the history of Montuy Tower. And what is, is questionable. But here is what I was able to find. If you know more, please mail me.
Montuy Tower was probably built in the early 13th century. At that time it may have been owned by a knight by the name of Jean de Locreau who owned large estates in this area. In the 14th century it was most probably owned by the Knights Hospitaller.
Montuy Tower is a small tower house, square in form. Originally it would have had an extra floor.
At present the tower is not accessible. From here you can also walk up the hill to St. Martin Tower.